
Auto-Renewal is Here!

You have plenty of things to worry about. Remembering to renew library materials shouldn’t be one of them. Now eligible items will automatically renew themselves without you having to lift a finger.

Please note that if another patron is waiting for an item or if the item has already been renewed the maximum number of times, it will NOT be automatically renewed. 

Items loaned through MeLCat are not automatically renewed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is automatic renewal?

The Library system will automatically renew eligible materials checked out on patrons’ accounts.

Which items automatically renew?

Most physical items checked out from the Library may be eligible for up to 3 auto-renewals. Select items will only be automatically renewed once, if eligible. Please review the  Item Loan Periods for more information. 

What conditions prevent items from being automatically renewed?

  • Non-renewable materials such as Board Games, Binge Boxes, New Featured Films, New TV Shows, and some video games.
  • Items that have reached their renewal limit, 3 times for most materials.
  • Items with a hold or outstanding request.
  • Digital items, such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital music, etc.
  • Nontraditional items such as Technology Kits.
  • Items loaned through MeLCat.
  • Accounts with fines and fees that exceed $15.

What happens to items that are not eligible for auto renewal?

They will retain their original due date.

When will items automatically renew?

The system will attempt to renew item(s) 3 days before their due date.

Am I still able to renew materials on my own?

Yes, you may renew materials any time you like, even after receiving the notice.

You can renew your materials:

  • Online: login to your account.
  • By telephone: 24/7 automated renewal line at (888) 672-8983 or (248) 370-9466 during open hours.
  • In Person: at the self-check machines or Circulation Desk.

Do I have to sign up for auto renewal?

No, this feature is automatically available to all our patrons.

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